(LONDON, 3 JUNE 2020): As lockdown is easing slowly in many countries people craving for a beer or red wine are looking forward to chilling out.
But experts have offered some dental advice for those who fancy red wine.
Red Wine is a “triple threat” to a sparkling smile-Dr Uchenna Akosa, of Rutgers School of Dental Medicine in New Brunswick, N.J.
“When you drink red wine, you’re encountering a triple threat to your teeth’s whiteness.
The pigments in grapes that give red wine its rich color, the astringent which helps bind the pigment to the teeth, and the acidity found in the wine are the ‘triple threats’ to the teeth.
Acidity in the wine etches the enamel, making it more porous and easier for the stain to stick.
So, the sparkling teeth are as important as a glass of wine! Akosa offers tips too for preventing red wine stains.
First among them is brushing. Plaque can make I appear that the teeth are stained, so the advice is to brush your teeth 30 minutes before drinking red wine and not after that since toothpaste can cause more etching.
The second tip is, don’t drink white wine before red wine, as the extra acid in the white wine will worsen the staining.
Swishing your mouth with water after drinking wine helps reduce the wine’s acidity and stimulates the flow of saliva, which fights against harmful bacteria.
Chewing also stimulates saliva. And, Cheese is a perfect combination to wine as it stimulates saliva and reduces the acidity from the wine, according to Akosa.
Last and most important is visiting your dentist regularly to remove plaque, an acidic substance that damages the tooth enamel. Lack of regular cleaning will result in cavities.
So, have a drink and keep smiling.
The post Red wine ‘may harm’ your sparkling smile first appeared on The African Gazette.